Cheating Boyfriend Test

Do You Think Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend is Cheating?! Find Out Here And Catch Your Cheating Lover!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Proven Cheating Boyfriend Test That Works

They say boys are cheater so a test have been made, the cheating boyfriend test .
So if you are feeling that your boyfriend is cheating on you, then do this proven effective cheating boyfriend test that will put the end on to all those lies.

Step One. Suddenly you notice that your boyfriend is acting differently than he normally does. If he's more concerned with his appearance, maybe he's being more loving towards you, acting somewhat guilty.

Step Two. Your gut feeling tells you he is cheating. The biggest cheating boyfriend test in the world for any woman is to go with her gut feeling.

Step Three. If you boyfriend suddenly have new friends and hanging out with them most of the time and he doesn't invite you to go along.

Step Four. Your boyfriend starts getting angry with you and accuses you of cheating. He feels guilty about what he's doing to you so he wants to make excuses for himself so that he doesn't feel that guilt anymore.

Step Five. If you notice something new phone number in his cell phone that you don't recognize or he is suspiciously text messaging somebody all the time and you don't know who it is.

If your boyfriend have these signs on him, then he's probably cheating and it's time for you to wake up. I know letting go of a relationship is not easy, this is very painful if you love him so much or you've been with him for a long time. But you have to know when to hold on and when to let go. You can give him his last chance if you want to. But if he do it again, it really didn't work out. So you have no choice but to set him free.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Cheating Boyfriend Test - Take It Now

So how many people really have been cheated at by their respective boyfriends and girlfriends?

People have been there, and many knows about the pain of being left behind, rejected, or in some cases, traded for someone else just because they have the better hair or they have the better looks than you. But then again, there are some signs that things aren't as colorful as they once used to.

I'm talking about the girls. Have you ever taken the cheating boyfriend test ? Yes, there is such a thing if you want it to be there. The cheating boyfriend test should be a gauge as to how faithful your boyfriend is with you, and should also be something which should help both of you if you want to see how long you'd last, and how long the relationship is going to go. But the cheating boyfriend test shouldn't actually guide you nor control the way you look at your relationship. Trust is essential, and is often a neglected thing these days. The cheating boyfriend test is just that...a test...and it should not dictate what or how your relationship should go.

Of course, this test, the cheating boyfriend test, consists of things which you should actually be alarmed if your boyfriend is doing. Sometimes people think they could get away with everything; the cheating boyfriend test should actually help you to judge the character and the truthfulness of your boyfriend, rather than help him get away with anything. The cheating boyfriend test is a test designed to help girls and women alike to be sure that the man of their dreams is a real prince charming, and not just a frog in disguise.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Revenge For Cheating Ex Boyfriends

Revenge is a one way trip. If you take this road, there is no way back and forgiveness is no longer an option. There is no space for guilt. You must be convinced that you are only seeking for justice. Creativity is the main ingredient for successful revenge, making absurd things will produce an stupid outcome. As for now, you might be looking for Revenge for cheating ex boyfriends so I want to help you on that.

The Dark Side Of Revenge

Put nair in his shampoo and conditioner bottles LMAO! Cut the crotch out of all his pants, Get the window car paint at Walmart and write on his windows "I'm a cheater, I had an affiar on my wife and child" on his windows, slice his tires, under cook his chicken or meat just enough to make him sick. Have a fling and tell him about it, or purposely let him find out, max out all his credit cards if he has any, find out her address and send mail there in his name for herpes, HIV, etc, take his picture and put it on then print it out and show it to him!!
Accidentally wash all his color clothes in bleach and ruin them.

There are many things to do for you to get revenge. But I've rather prefer these steps. This will help you look more women and not look desperate.

Step 1 : Stay calm and collected every time you have to interact with your cheating boyfriend. Breaking down into tears will just make your cheating boyfriend feel smug about what he did. By showing him that you do not care that much about his cheating, you will hurt his pride.

Step 2: Go out with your girls to get revenge on your cheating boyfriend. Your cheating boyfriend will expect for you to sit at home pining away for him. He believes that he is your entire life. Prove him wrong to get your revenge.

Step 3: Find another guy to date to make your cheating boyfriend feel terrible. He will be embarrassed and ashamed that you could move on so quickly from him.

Step 4: Live your life to the fullest. This is the ultimate revenge on a cheating boyfriend.

The best revenge is to be completely 'not bothered' by your cheating boyfriend. Ignore him and get on with your life as any kind of retaliation gives him much more importance in your life than he deserves.Living well is the best revenge.

Doing something beneath you will just leave you feeling empty, unsatisfied and no better than he is. Chances are, whatever you do you are unlikely to hear the fall out of what happened as a result so it really wont achieve anything. Move on, find happiness and forget him. The best revenge is simply doing better next time.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Revenge Cheating Girlfriend

Being cheated by a girl is a large punch to man's ego. Not only his heart had been broken, he also needs to admit that his heart was really broken. Plus, they have their friends to tease them and they need to pretend that they are alright. That is why it is very hard for guys to come up with ideas on revenge cheating girlfriend .

Even if they do want to do something bad, they can not. Because that will also ruined there reputation. So here is a great revenge for your cheating girlfriend. This will teach her a reason that she will never forget.

Step 1
- Forgive her. This assumes you have confronted her about her cheating, and she has some tiny shred of remorse about hopping in the sack with someone else. Most of your friends will call you a chump, but don't worry: You are not really forgiving her. Your job is to discover the circumstances that lead to her cheating.

Step 2 - Recreate the conditions of her cheating as closely as possible, so there is no possibility of mistaking your actions as coincidence, and cheat on her. If confronted about this behavior, put on your puppy dog eyes and swear on your uncle's knuckle that golly, it must have just happened. Most women will leave at that point. If instead, she displays signs of forgiveness, bow out of the relationship anyway and continue your revenge.

Step 3 - Dredge up everything your cheating girlfriend ever said about other women. You may have to sift a bit to get pay dirt on this one. Think about the women she insulted or called names. Chances are pretty good that your cheating girlfriend is jealous of these women for one reason or another. Consider these women to be your prime rebound dating pool.

Step 4 - Gather every stupid note that cheating tramp has ever written to you. You will not burn this stuff. Instead you will comb through her words, searching for dirt. Did she admit to peeing the bed until she was nine? Quietly make this information available to all interested parties. Do your best to pass off these tidbits of information as slips of the tongue or other equally innocent mistakes.

Step 5 - Live your life to the fullest. Enjoy life without that cheating tramp. Make it painfully aware to her that you don't need her, you never did need her and that is that.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Unfaithful Cheating Wife Signs

With the Holiday Season just around the corner you'd be surprised at the number of people that, instead of buying chocolates, are working with a private investigator to evaluate exactly how true that true love is. Do you suspect that your special someone is possibly planning on buying more than one gift this year?

Here's a short list of unfaithful cheating wife signs that you would like to know:

Has her schedule suddenly changed? We are not talking about a shift change at work or a few hours of overtime. No, what we're discussing here is a blatant change in their schedule. Large time holes that they can't or won't explain.

This is the number one indication that something is awry. I would venture to say that, nine times out of 10, when a client lays out this scenario for me it results in a partner that is cheating.

Another thing to watch for are expenditures. MONEY. Does she suddenly have less of it? More of it? Either can be a giant red flag. If you've been dating or married for any length of time and your partner’s spending habits or accessibility to money has suddenly shifted, there might be a reason.

In your own backyard?

Also watch your own backyard. Your best friend, your neighbor, the new gentleman living across the street. If your partner is spending an inordinate amount of time there, perhaps some questions are in order.

Weekend trips or outings with her friends that are not common should also be viewed as a signal flare. If you're asking questions about their whereabouts and not getting a straight answer, there is possibly a reason why.

Now this is not to say that all people who have secrets are cheating. Not all secrets are bad.Just because you see a red flag, do not assume that your mate has gone astray. Contact us and we can relieve your suspicions one way or another.

However, if the red flags are there, do pay attention and, if in doubt, be sure and contact your professional. As a licensed private investigator, I can tell you that in my experience some of the most violent encounters are between lovers in the heat of the moment. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to trail, track, follow, etc. your partner. More times than not, this can ruin the relationship, but it can also result in a situation that could end badly – for you or your significant other, or both.

We are highly trained in covert surveillance, tracking, photographic or video evidence and can assist you should you believe that your better half has found a new hobby.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

10 Signs Of Cheating Spouse

A relationship is founded on trust. What would happen then when that very trust which is the essence of commitment is compromised? Such is the pain of betrayal. It strikes a dagger to our very hearts, as treachery from the person who hold most dear is something that we’re always afraid of, yet it remains that one thing which we dare not expect.

Suspecting our partners to be cheating on us can make us lose an important component of our lives: peace of mind. We’ll end up spending countless sleepless nights thinking and fearing the worst. All we need during those times is a guarantee… a sign. Whether it is good or bad, it should be better than having to waste countless hours drowning in a sea of uncertainty. Here are 10 signs of cheating spouse that you need to know.

1. Is he/she overprotective about his/her mobile phone? It is so easy to cheat on someone in this day and age of modern technology. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it is also easy to catch someone using the very technology that facilitates the betrayal. New generation mobile phones these days do have logs that record the numbers we call and the numbers that contact us. Also, text messaging is becoming very popular these days, and concrete proof of treacherous affections can be discovered by checking the SMS inbox of most phones. Naturally, the person engaged in such a betrayal would dare not show his/her mobile phone for fear of getting caught.

2. Is there a significant decrease in the time he/she allots for you? The body has its limitations. If he/she is all gung ho with the other party, it is expected that he/she will be too tired to give you the attention you expect.

3. Is there a significant decrease in the level of affection he/she is showing you? Simple caresses and gentle kisses that diminish in frequency can be quite telling of a wandering heart. The attention that he/she used to shower you with is most probably spent on someone else.

4. Is he/she usually gone for days under the guise of a business trip or meeting with friends, when he/she never used to pursue such affairs? He/She may be engaged in an affair of another variety, and he/she is merely using seemingly valid reasons as excuses.

5. Do you catch him/her with small lies more often than you could count? Small lies beget bigger lies, and sometimes, small lies can be used to conceal even more dastardly lies. A lie is a lie. Treat it seriously. Once discovered, prepare yourself to unveil more skeletons in his/her closet.

6. Does he/she miss important dates which he/she never used to forget? The human mind also has its limits, and when it focuses on someone else, the memories reserved for us are often left at the backseat.

7. Does he/she fail to call you at appropriate times? It is quite difficult to sneak in a call or some form of communication when he/she is with someone else, right?

8. In the same light, do you often catch him/her sneaking out during a date to place a call? When you do ask him/her about it, he/she would just reason out that it is a call for the boss or some friends? This, also, can be quite telling, especially when he/she does not show such a behavior in the past.

9. Internet affairs are growing in numbers in this day and age. If he/she is spending more time in cyberspace that normal, be wary. Chances are, he/she is exchanging some correspondence with a person he/she is interested with.

10. Does he/she exhibit a short fuse whenever you ask him/her about his/her day? Does he/she suddenly make a big issue about his/her need for privacy, when such was not even a consideration in the past? He/She may be positioning himself/herself to get some space to be able to pursue an affair with another.

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