Cheating Boyfriend Test

Do You Think Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend is Cheating?! Find Out Here And Catch Your Cheating Lover!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cheating Boyfriend Test - What To Do With Cheaters?

Is your man a cheater? Did he pass the cheating boyfriend test you had given him? If yes, then what should you do? What should women do with cheaters? Find out in this great vidoe I found in youtube...

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is My Man Cheating?!

Are you having feeling and hunches that your spouse, your man or your girl is cheating? Are you having thoughts like Is my man cheating when I’m gone? If those kinds of thoughts hit you, do you need to spy just to prove something? People nowadays would like to spy because of many reasons. Here are some of them:

1. Trust is a big reason, not of your partner, but yourself. Probably for some time you have sensed something is different or questioned the change of behavior in your partner.

2. Spying on cheating husbands or cheating wives often helps the person feel connected to the partner who seems to be steadily moving away. It is a way of maintaining contact and having some sort of connection to this stranger who once was well known. Isn’t it like the game of hide-and-seek we used to play as children? Sometimes there, sometimes gone. At least it is a game, and a game is at least some contact, some involvement. You miss the connection and try to find someway to maintain the ties.

3. Spying on a cheating spouse may be an honest attempt to bring resolution to the relationship. You want to know the truth. You sense something does not fit. You suspect there is a breach of something. You are a person of action. You want some sort of movement. You want to get on with the relationship. You want to get on with your life. You want to know the truth, face the truth, deal with the truth and be free.

4. Cheating husbands or cheating wives often, unfortunately, lead to the demise of marital relationships. If you strongly suspect this to be true for your situation you will want to protect yourself legally. If there is betrayal, lying and deception regarding a third party, other forms of deception may exist financially or in other areas of the relationship. Having “evidence” does have some impact in some court systems.

5. You may want to protect yourself medically if you suspect you have a cheating husband or wife. You might be concerned about sexually transmitted diseases. Your health may be at stake. And, of course, you need to know. Shame, guilt or self-absorption may be so powerful in your partner that it gets in the way of responsibly informing you of the medical dangers when another partner is sexually brought into your relationship.

6. Seeing signs of a cheating spouse often mean secrets. Secrets are work! There is not much written about the impact of a secret in a relationship, but believe me, in over two decades of working with strained relationships day in and day out, keeping a secret has a powerful impact. It is the proverbial elephant sitting in the room that no one dare talk about. People take extraordinary measures to tip toe around it, but it is there.

7. Some of us like drama. Soap opera scenarios and adrenaline based lives are a hallmark of our society. We get juiced or pumped up entering into emotional relational triangles that offer intrigue. Without adrenaline, life seems boring or mundane. Perhaps an unspoken reason for an affair may be to fan the fire? Or, you may spy on your cheating spouse to keep the sense of being alive a part of your life.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Signs Of Cheating Boyfriend

Who Else Wants to Catch a Cheating Spouse? Find Out How

The signs of cheating boyfriend and girlfriend can vary for each individual. Some people are just plain better at deception than others. If you have a suspicion that your spouse may be secretly hiding an affair with another individual whatever you do, do not confront your mate. Confronting your spouse can possibly make the affair harder to prove because they will go to even greater lengths to hide what is really going on. Instead, go over the list of signs and if your significant other is showing or has shown more than a few of these it may be a good idea to hire a professional to get you solid evidence.

A few very common signs of cheating in a relationship include:

•A change in sex life: The cheater wants nothing to do with sex, wants a lot more sex, or has unexplained sexual requests or utilizes new sexual techniques.

•A sudden change in appearance: He/She is working out all of a sudden; their taste in clothing has changed, change in cologne.

•The cheater has a definite attitude change towards everyone in the household especially the mate, picking fights for no reason.

•Unexplained absences, working late, hang up phone calls.

•The cheater may begin to find fault in his/her spouse to try to justify the affair.

•Unrecognized and frequently called phone numbers on your mates cell phone bill.

•Leaving home during an argument, many cheaters will provoke a fight so they can leave the home to call or visit the other person.

•Taking business or leisure trips alone

•Having new friends

•Taking showers as soon as returning home

•Will do the laundry when they never used to, or at a time when they normally would not. They may be trying to hide the signs of smoke, lipstick, bodily fluids, etc.

•Smelling of perfume or alcohol

•The Mileage on his/her vehicle seems excessive.

•Their use of the computer or internet is excessive or secretive.

•A gut feeling (intuition is real)

If you are familiar with one or more of these cheating boyfriend test or cheating girlfriend signs, you may have a problem on your hands. It is up to you to change your relationship. Work it out if you want to or end it if you want to.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Revenge For Cheating Ex Boyfriends

Falling in love and entering with someone in a relationship is a really nice experience. But in a relationship, it is not always a happy ending. And you may have experienced being ditched by your man for somebody else or for any other reason. After your breakup, you might have thought of Revenge For Cheating Ex Boyfriends. You are heart-broken and it is just natural that you feel rage after. But being a revenge ex girlfriend is not necessary the best thing to be.

If you are going through a breakup, you should keep in mind that revenge ideas on ex boyfriend will never do any good to you or to your ex partner who have hurt you so bad. You may think that it is your only outlet to get over him but actually it is not. The more you hate the person, the more you are prolonging your agony. Ex girlfriend revenge can only cause you more hurt and could even ruin your life. When you are angry, there is always a tendency for you to hurt others and think of ex girlfriend revenge. And you might just regret doing it in the end. In order to avoid being a revenge ex girlfriend, there are things which you should bear in mind and actions that you have to take.

Move on and get on with your life. Instead of nurturing the hurt that you feel, you should look at the brighter side of life and move on. If you prefer to be a revenge ex girlfriend, your life will be stuck in that anger forever and you will make your life more miserable. Dwelling on that revenge can only stir up the ashes of your own hurt and resentment. Bear in mind that you are causing more harm to yourself than the other person. Ex girlfriend revenge will never share the pain, but it will just increase it. Always consider that poorly conceived ex girlfriend revenge plots might wind up making you look bad, thus it makes you feel worse. If you think of ex girlfriend revenge as getting even, well think again. Why should you want to get even with a loser in the first place?

Forgive and forget. In order to completely move on, you must learn to forgive your ex boyfriend and you should start to forget what happened. Ex girlfriend revenge will keep you from forgiving and forgetting. If you keep on hating and despising that person, there will never be a room for forgiveness. Instead of entertaining ex girlfriend revenge on your thoughts, you should erase past hurt from your system so it won’t be hard for you to forgive, let go, and move on. You should also let go of those grudges and resentments to completely make your life free from misery. Ex girlfriend revenge is one thing that can never make you happier and more of a person. You should really try to invoke forgiveness.

There is nothing wrong in loving. They even say that it is better to love and lost than to never love at all. But always remember that if ever a worst breakup comes in your way, never resort to ex girlfriend revenge. Ex girlfriend revenge can never be the sweetest thing you know. The more you hate, the more you add to your misery. So instead of thinking of an ex girlfriend revenge, why don’t you just let go, forgive, forget, and move on. Remember that when a door closes, a window opens.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Signs Of Cheating In A Relationship

Signs of cheating in a relationship is very hard to accept. You might think of spying to your spouse just to discover if he/she is cheating. But what are you going to do if you find out that he/she is really cheating? When you spy on your suspected cheating spouse, please make sure you consider all the possibilities you might encounter and whether you can handle them. Are you ready? Here are some specific questions to ask:

1) Do I have friends I can count on for support if I discover the worst? Do they know I might need them? Have I told them exactly how they might help me? Do I have the capacity to stand back from the deep emotions and not get mired or lost in destructive thoughts and feelings?

2) How have I handled emotional pain in the past? What if it gets almost unbearable? If I encounter the worst possible emotional hurt and pain, do I have a therapist I can contact immediately and see soon to help me through the rough spots?

3) You see the signs of a cheating spouse. What will be my strategy for what I find? Do I have a strategy for the different scenarios? Do I have a strategy to confront or not confront my spouse? How, when and under what circumstances will I confront him/her?

4) What kind of strategy will I have for self-care? What will I need to do to keep myself functioning somewhat effectively?

5) Do I have a coach or an objective someone who knows about cheating husbands and cheating wives and who can help me develop strategies and goals for confrontation and self-care? Someone to keep me focused and working on these strategies and goals?

6) Do I know what kind of affair I might face? Do I know the prognosis for that kind of affair? Have I educated myself about affairs and what I must do to effectively resolve and move through this crisis?

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cheating Boyfriend Test

Cheating is the worst form of destruction to your relationship or marriage. Cheating generally means that you are not fully satisfied with your current partner or you feel that something is missing in the relationship. If you were completely in love and happy within your relationship, why will might happen that your partner have an affair and have signs of cheating in a relationship?

Trust is a big reason, not of your partner, but yourself. Probably for some time you have sensed something is different or questioned the change of behavior in your partner. So how can you tell if your partner is cheating? Here is a simple cheating boyfriend test or girlfriend test that you can rely on.

1. Changes in appearance and attitude. He/She has a sudden preoccupation with his/her appearance. He/She is more interested on how he/she dresses; go often to a hair salon and even to gym, even if this wasn't his/her main priority before.

2. Lessened intimacy. If in the past you used to share everything with your spouse and then suddenly he/she seems distanced and clams up when you try to discuss intimate things, it could mean that he/she has already distanced herself emotionally and mentally from you.

3. Being secretive. He/She's no longer sharing her daily events with you. He/She might avoid you because he/she feels guilty. Don't get paranoid and suspicious, ask him/her if everything is ok and tell him/her he/she's been acting differently lately.

4. Disinterest in family. If your spouse is no longer excited to meet you at the door from work there must be a problem here. Or when your partner feels the sudden need to go out try to find a reason to accompany him/her. If he/she comes up with a reason that he/she had to go on his/her own push the issue, not too much but just enough to see if he/she becomes more uncomfortable.

5. Less arguing and fighting. He/She used to get angry if you didn't want to come out with him/her in a party or a celebration, but now everything you do is all right with him/her. Once upon a time, your every move had to be premeditated, but now all the small things you used to mess up aren't enraging her. This could be a good thing, but you wonder why he/she no longer cares.

6. More phone and internet. In the last time he/she speaks a lot at the telephone using a low voice or whisper on the phone and hangs up quickly. Maybe he/she set up a new e-mail account and doesn't tell you about it. Watch out because he/she might buy a cell phone and doesn't let you know. Ask him/her if he/she is being true with you and if he/she becomes accusatory then it is obvious that he/she is cheating you.

7. Always late. In the past he/she never came home late but now this happens more and more. His/Her explanation is that he/she had to stay more at the office because he/she has a lot of work to do. Or he/she goes to the store and comes home four hours later. This is really a reason to worry.

Cheating spouses often look and act guilty, give a general feeling that something isn’t right. They try and avoid meaningful conversations, keep everything at a general and non intimate level. Following these steps, you can now know, if your girl is cheating or is my man is cheating and take action for it to be resolve.

Catch a Cheating Husband or Catch a Cheating Wife and Put an End to the Lies!

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